Carole Epp
Work by Carole Epp (of “Musing About Mud”) . Her show runs March 31 to April 30 at the Gallery of BC Ceramics.
Opening Reception:
Thursday, March 31, 5 to 7 p.m.
We’re pleased to announce our next exhibition, “Ode to the Unsung” a solo exhibition by Carole Epp. We’re very excited to be able to host Carole’s work for almost the entire month of April.
The exhibition opening takes place immediately prior to the NWCF lecture at Emily Carr (info above) – and both are on Granville Island. Why not go to both and make a night of it?

This was the announcement in the BC Potters’ Guild newsletter, so last Thursday afternoon was a good time to get to the Island. I left a plate at the Western Front for Eric Metcalfe to get started on painting another one, and met ECU painting instructor Philippe Raphanel in their library. He now has his most recent fired plates and those of Mina Totino and Jan Wade.

I was pleased to be able to attend the Opening of Carole Epp’s Show at the Gallery of BC Ceramics. She is the creator and manager of the ‘Musing about Mud’ blog which lists every call-for-entry and workshop of interest to Canadian potters and she was the juror for Medalta’s Artist-in-Residence Programme’s ‘Spoon’ show not long ago. Carole wasn’t able to travel out to BC for the Opening but BC potters will be pleased to have a chance to see her work. Coincidentally fellow Saskatchewan clay artist, Jeannie Mah is in town so, with her fellow ECU student and friend Dona Nabata, she was happy to see the show and attend the lecture that followed.
Carole’s work deals with the frustrations and pressures of being a mother with some admittedly disturbing little sculptures with raw titles. She combines other media with her mainly clay work, successfully using acrylic paint, lustres and melted resin and found objects. I’ll just include a few photos of her pieces and their titles. Do pop in to the gallery and be impressed by her skilfull technique and amused or bothered by the subjects.