Wednesday evening’s meeting of the TriCity Potters was held in my studio/basement because the local schools are on Spring Break. We rented some folding chairs and with a screen and our projector we managed well. 25 people attended to hear our guest Glenn Lewis.

He spoke about his two years as a Leach apprentice in St Ives and more about the philosophy of pots and the making of ‘things’ in the second half of the twentieth century.

Members were very happy to see his treasured pots by Bernard Leach, Shoji Hamada, Janet Leach, Charmian Johnson, and others including some he has recently made. He is attending the guest workshop at Capilano College where Sam Kwan is in charge.

Santo Mignosa was pleased to come and greet Glenn. They met 50 years ago!
Several of us are planning to drive down to Seattle next Wednesday for the NCECA Conference. Glenn has asked me to pick up some bags of porcelain from Seattle Pottery Supply so we can expect more Glenn Lewis work to appear over the next little while!