Another painting raid

What better way to spend the Victoria Monday holiday than to have artists here to paint, chat and eat lunch together? The visitors this time were Eric Metcalfe and Katie Lyle again, and first-timers Western Fronter Jacqui Ross and recently retired Emily Carr instructor Marian Penner Bancroft.


As usual total concentration prevailed and wildly different images appeared by late afternoon. We were able to have our lunch of cold cuts, salad, artisan bread and hummus outside on the deck in sunshine. I was happy to show Marian my garden.

Alan took photos of us working and I’ve included snaps of the finished work. It now awaits my imminent bisque firing. The final work will, as visitors to this blog know, be bold, shiny and super!

Gillian McMillan

Gillian writes blogs about ceramics in and around Vancouver and sometimes talks about other Art, her garden, travels and family.

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