We postponed the second painting day here for a week because it was so cold! When the temperature drops below zero outside, the furnace just can’t keep the basement studio warm enough to work comfortably. So the next three painters came here on December 5th instead and with a little ceramic heater we were fine.
Renee van Halm brought two newcomers to my studio for the day. Elizabeth McIntosh is a painting instructor at Emily Carr University and in September Vancouver resident Rebecca Brewer started teaching her first painting class there too. My potter friends will notice that Renee is drinking her tea out of a Darcy Margesson mug!
Again, it was a good day for me to get busy throwing the bodies for more jugbirds. YVR Crafthouse have asked for another dozen but I’ve told them that they will have to wait until the New Year. My plan was to load the kiln right after the artists left on this day. My four finished jugbirds and all their plates filled the kiln.
As with the previous group I’ll post pics of their plates separately. Otherwise the images get all muddled in the layout.
Alan and I have made enquiries about upgrading the insulation on this almost 100 year-old house and hope to have a toastier home very soon!