The visiting artists had to wait a couple of weeks for me and my tile-painting friends to fill the kiln but finally it was fired and opened on Sunday. My previous blog shows the TriCity Potters’ second batch of tiles and my next will show my new exotic jug birds, but I have photos of all the new plates here.

Eric continues to enjoy using red, turquoise and black on his selected background colours of grey and Naples yellow.

Jacqui Ross has two delicately coloured plates and a tile. I do like her soft use of the underglazes.

Eli Bornowsky painted three plates. He’s exploring the medium to learn about the effects of layering.

For her first visit with the group Karen Henry enjoyed working on smaller dishes and a tiny circular one. Nice.

And Paul Mathieu’s large platter was only bisqued. He plans to come out another day to apply underglazes in his carved grooves and have me apply clear glaze as usual. You’ll have to wait some months to see it!
Definitely favor Karen Henry’s work even if she is my sister! Eric is the close second. Lovely plates………..