Linda Lebrun, TriCity Potters’ newsletter editor, has kindly allowed me to use her description of our fine day at Shadbolt Centre on Saturday. She, June and I went together for Dig This and the evening’s BC Potters’ Guild dinner. I’ll add some of the photos I took so that those of you who weren’t able to attend can get an idea of the work made by the four presenters in their six hours of demonstrating.

DIG THIS: Exploring B.C. Clay took place yesterday and brought together four dynamic British Columbia-based ceramic artists. There were also many other clay artists and enthusiasts present, and many old friends and acquaintances from the world of clay.

Brendan Tang (Vancouver), Sarah Lawless (Kaslo), Robin Dupont (Winlaw) and Kathleen Raven (Salt Spring Island) were the presenters.

Each of these artists worked for two three-hour demo sessions during the daylong event. Some participants moved between artists, but I hardly noticed as I was so busy in one room in the morning and the other in the afternoon.
Each room was set up with two presenters, a man and a woman, and in general terms a thrower and a hand builder. There were large screens to watch what we couldn’t see, and large mirrors for a different view. There was banter between everyone and questions were freely asked and answered.
Lunch was included, and while we ate, Bob Kingsmill gave us a fascinating talk and slide show about “The Old Vernon Potter”, Axel Ebring. There were some 70 or so of his pieces that Bob has personally collected and on display for us to appreciate. Bob commented on how all of us have learned from those who have gone ahead of us, and charged us to consider where would be the most appropriate home for these pieces to eventually reside.

What a great day for everyone in the clay community to come together for an event like this, and what a great job of organizing it was done by the Shadbolt Centre staff. Thank-you to everyone who made this possible.
Linda Lebrun