I think that the six local potters who joined me for a day of painting in July can be very happy with their finished work. Maria and Linda have already popped over to collect their one plate each. Ysabella, Susan and Barbara, come when you can, phone first. June already has hers, with a plan to fire it to cone 6.
Maria tells me she enjoyed her day painting red, orange and yellow underglazes on a red clay plate, but also appreciated the camaraderie. I agree. Her plate is fine!

Linda also just finished the one plate, hers with geometric shapes using underglazes on a white plate. Nice.

Ysabella chose to paint tiles again, with slips, so I kept her red clay tiles leather hard. She was able to press stamps into the borders and fill them with white slip. She then painted colours with slips and separated them with sgraffito. Finally she scraped the white slip to reveal lovely mishima work (traditional to Korea as well as Japan) and coated the edges with terra sigillata.

Susan Rankin, who had not worked in my studio before, was interested in trying out slips. Her pretty underwater scene on a red tile shows paper resist, spongeing and sgraffito. She also used rectangular paper resist for a little triangular dish, and finished her day by painting strawberries with underglazes on a white plate.

Barbara Dueck brought a poinsettia stencil for her plate painting, so that’s all ready for her Christmas.
My next blogs will show the group of ‘Raiders’ and their day here, and the results of their labours. I’d also like to show my newest jugbirds and some plates of mine.
Added on August 9th 2016: June has sent me photos of her two plates.