Two weeks ago Alan and I were ‘raided’ again. Our Vancouver artist visitors were Eric Metcalfe, Jacquie Ross, Mina Totino, Marlene Madison and first-time-raider Cindy Richmond. After having had six TriCity Potters here just a few days before I only just had enough plates prepared for the next five painters.
Mina had asked for another large platter and at least one square dish, Jacquie wanted four ‘coupes’ and Marlene used squarish plates. Luckily Eric only painted one on this day and Cindy was happy to experiment with a variety of forms.
As usual the lunch was spectacular. The group insist that the lunch break is a major part of the day’s fun so they prepare or buy great treats. Eric often makes a home-made potato salad the night before and Mina outdoes herself with imaginative salads. Look at that feast! Thank you all.

The work is already fired. I needed to do two firings each for bisque and glaze but Al has now taken photos of everything so I’ll post those in my next blog.