Four of us decided to travel in to Vancouver and Burnaby together last Thursday evening. That way we only needed one parking spot on Granville Island. June MacDonald drove Ysabella Choung, Dorothy Doherty and me. Dorothy and I have pieces in the Gallery of BC Ceramics’s current member show ‘Testing.. Testing 123’ and we met up with Keith and Celia Rice-Jones as we entered. They both are showing their work, plus several items to illustrate their processes.

On this evening, the Thursday before Labour Day weekend, attendance wasn’t huge during the first hour and then we needed to leave for our next destination, but I’m sure the show will be seen and appreciated over the next few weeks. It offers glimpses of the various processes we potters use. I took photos of the show and enjoyed chatting with fellow visitors. There are more artists represented than I have featured but I really like Maeva Collin’s work.

My two birds looked fine on a shelf with realistic birch tree trunks. Dorothy had contributed samples of soda effects in a wood firing.

The show will be up for all of September and will be very interesting to anybody who has taken a pottery class or who has purchased pots and would like more information on how the works were created.
After this show opening we four potters drove over to Shadbolt Centre for the Arts in Burnaby for the lecture by New Zealand potter Chris Weaver. .. next blog..