The other plates that emerged from this recent firing were painted by Renée Van Halm, Monique Fouquet, Mina Totino, Cindy Richmond and Marlene Madison. I was pleased to hear that Mina made it safely home on Monday evening with all of the plates but found the icy roads rather scary.

I’ll post photos of all the plates but they often wind up separated from anything I might say about them so the initials of the artist are below each image. My new oval rimless platters, in two sizes, seem to be popular choices. I’m pleased with these, the first finished pieces made in my wheel-thrown moulds. It is much easier for me to make them with the bisqued form than to use a purchased plate as a mould. The slab can dry from below and the mould also absorbs moisture.

Monique’s oval platter is rather flat, and was made by laying a slab on a found plate. What lovely colours! I think she’ll enjoy seeing it. Several artists are now asking for the work to be glazed all over, and of course, with earthenware clay, I can use stilts. It saves me time when it comes to waxing, prior to glazing, but the stilts do take up more room in the kiln.

Renée had one coupe left from a previous visit to finish and then painted another one and a large pre-ordered plate. That big round one was also made using a purchased plate as a slump mould, a form she has used before. These designs are different from any other plates I’ve ever seen.

Mina really likes the new Speedball bright pink and used it for the inside of this medium-sized platter. On the outside she did more varied painting, choosing to leave that area unglazed, and then asked for glaze over the blue bottom. There’ll be a larger one like this by next week.

Her friend Cindy used subtle colours for the brushstrokes on her platter. Two more of her pieces are in the bisque firing I started yesterday.

And Marlene has painted a large platter and a smaller coupe with her cartoon restaurant figures, and another coupe with a charming spiral.

Tomorrow, if it isn’t too frosty to get out to my kiln shed, I’ll glaze the remaining half dozen pieces by Raiders and get them glaze-fired. Pics to come!