ACT Art Gallery in Maple Ridge is hosting this year’s edition of the Fraser Valley Potters Guild annual juried show. This show is another in the series of current ceramic shows timed to coincide with Saturday’s Clay Symposium at Shadbolt Centre.

Last Saturday, on a nasty rainy afternoon Alan and I drove out there and arrived just in time to hear the opening remarks and congratulate the prize winners and honourable mentions.
Each member can submit ten pieces, with the proviso to the juror that at least one pot from each member is included in the show. This year’s juror was our own Port Moody potter Clive Tucker. Monthly FVPG meetings are held in the ceramics department classroom of Kwantlen University, Surrey and I am pleased to note that KU’s ceramics instructor Ying Yueh Chuang is actively encouraging links between her students and the guild. It does mean that new younger potters become aware of the guild’s existence and this can be their first opportunity to participate in a juried ceramic show.

As usual the show is a great chance for the general public and clay keeners to see a large variety of techniques, whether functional, decorative or sculptural. I enjoyed connecting with ceramic friends from many years and discussing the new members’ work and recognizing work of others. It was good to see the work by Ying Yueh’s students alongside very professional pieces by experienced makers.
As a founding member of this guild, from back in the seventies when we students at Kwantlen College (actually then Douglas College) decided to start a club, I’m always delighted to see how the guild has grown and that it continues to host its excellent annual show as well as an fine series of workshops and talks. It is a pity that Kwantlen is so far away from Port Moody. Several members of our local TriCity Potters belong to both organizations so it was good to see that Eliza Wang won the first prize and our VP Kay Bonathan received an honourable mention.

I’ll include this message from FVPG VP Pat Schendel in which she lists the prize-winners. I have photographs of many pieces in the show, but not all and you’ll have to see the show to identify who made what. The show will be up until April 22nd. Gallery hours are Tues – Sat 11-4.

We are thrilled with the work of 38 members this year (9 of whom are KPU students, under the guidance of Ying-Yueh Chuang).
We congratulate all of you on the variety and quality of work chosen, juried by Clive Tucker on March 2. Many people are to be thanked for their help that day and in transporting the work to Maple Ridge Gallery.

Award winners are:
Award of Merit: Open category:
1. Eliza Wang – “Celedon Unomi”
2. Ying-Yueh Chuang – “Historical Chrysanthemum Plate”
Honourable Mention: 1. Jean Paull – “Release”
2. Molly Magid – “Sm. container with spoon”
3. Holly McKeen – “Bottle with aventurine glaze”
4. Brandon Martin – “Dark Knight Vase with mang. cryst.
5. Kay Bonathan – “Owl Canister”
6. Debra Olsen – “Fan Bowl”
Award of Merit: Student category;
1. Keiko Sekiya – “Still Life”
2. Celesta De Roo – “Ceramic Shoe”
Honourable Mention: 1. Amy Duval – “Mechanics of Growth”, slip cast install.
2. Kimberly Voitic – “Treasured Memories” box

Congratulations to you all!

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