Here we are almost at the end of April so it’s time to do a catch-up blog. I’ve just been poddling along, painting the odd plate and some jugbirds and more importantly researching glaze recipes for cone 04 white clays. It’s been a record-setting rainy month so we grab the chance to do some gardening or I load a kiln when the sun comes out.

Happily Easter Day was dry so I’m happy to include a photo of most of the important people in my life. They joined Al and me for a wander around our neighbourhood, sand play time and supper that day.
I particularly enjoy finding out how my previous pots are faring. This month my niece sent a photo of one of my jugbirds in use at an Easter brunch.
Gwilyn at the Museum of Anthropology discovered that she’d bought two of my tumblers from the MOA gift shop, probably 20 years ago.
Our roofing man showed me a photo of a mug I’d given him about the same time and which he still uses often, and he, bless him, insisted on taking a new Northern Flicker in partial exchange for current roof repairs!
And I’ve just sold a seven-year-old salty Rooster which I made at Medalta. Sad to see him go.
Here are some photos of various stages of my work in the studio.

My next blog will show you what some of the plates look like after the glaze firing.