After we’d had a good look at this month’s show, From Ashes to Art, at the Gallery of BC Ceramics, we took a good look around the rest of the gallery and Melissa pointed out some of the new artists who’ve been juried in. Sorry, I didn’t get them all recorded but here are some that caught my attention.
Amelia Butcher has an intriguing collection of space ships and angry girls drawn on white hand-built forms.

Dave Dobie is introducing more and more colour to his mugs and bowls. They are fired in his gas kiln.

The wood-fired teapot by Courtney potter Maeva Collins is splendid!

We noticed the work of Port Moody potters Dan Severance and Clive Tucker and I took my usual snapshot of my own work so that I know what to take in next time.

Afterwards June, Linda and I took ourselves off to enjoy a light supper at nearby restaurant Cat’s Meow, and of course I was delighted by oodles of active goslings and their anxious mothers. Every Spring Granville Island’s Canada Goose population increases – but for a while they’re charming.