On my last full day in England I took myself off to London’s South Bank to visit Tate Modern, but first I wanted to find Contemporary Applied Arts again. It took me about fifteen dawdling minutes from Waterloo to find the gallery on Southwark street and it’s only about a block south of Tate Modern and the Thames. This is the link to the CAA website where you’ll find its address. Click on ‘exhibitions’ to see information on the current show, ‘Home from Home’.
Luckily for me there was a big show featuring work by clay artists who are living in Britain but who were born elsewhere.
Almost alone in the big space on a quiet Monday morning I was able to sit and watch a video recording of several of the artists, and learn lots about their experiences in England. I was allowed to take as many photographs as I pleased so you’ll see that I have recorded the work of most participants. Under each photo I have given the name and the origin country of each. So tonight’s blog will mainly be a slide show. Enjoy!




Denmark & Uganda







South Korea

Czech Republic