There hasn’t been a ‘Raid’ in my studio since December but I knew there were folks just waiting for me to get some more slab plates made for another painting get-together.
During January I enjoyed myself throwing some off-the-hump yunomis, some three-colour pieces and half a dozen stoneware pots. The latter were triggered by Fredi Rahn’s January talk to Tri-City Potters when she discussed clay, slips and process for our scheduled soda firing in April.
But I did also start making new cone 04 white earthenware slab plates and platters and last Thursday emailed a photo of them and the underglaze selection to the expected Raiders. The first five artists trundled out here on Friday and at least three more will be out here next Friday.

Eric Metcalfe, Monique Fouquet, Mina Totino, Philippe Raphanel and Kate Metten were my studio guests on Friday. Ignoring the grey day, we had a marvellous day of conversation, quiet concentration, gourmet lunch, ice cream tea and production of a fine variety of painted plates. My role after preparing the plates ahead of time, is to make sure the artists have the colours they need, offer a little advice here and there, set the table for lunch and enjoy the company in my studio while I carry on with whatever studio work I have under way. On this day I had already loaded my kiln with any January pots so started throwing ‘bodies’ for my next batch of jugbirds.

Our Winter lunch consisted of a vast fish pie baked for us by Mina, green salad and goat cheese from Monique, tasty bean salad from Philippe, French bread and paté from Eric and ice cream and chocolate for tea time from Kate. And you wonder why Alan and I enjoy Raids?!

Early on Saturday I loaded all the plates, just managing to fit them all in around my work and some sculptures by Renée, and started the bisque firing. It chuntered along on low heat all day while Al and I went in to Vancouver to see ‘Jitters’ at the Stanley Playhouse, I turned it up on our return and now, this Sunday morning, the bisque is done.
During this week I’ll get everything glazed and perhaps make up a few more plates for next Friday’s Raid. But there are other things going on in the local ceramics community so I’ll try to get another blog written right away and then get back to the jugbirds Circle Craft is requesting.
As soon as this week’s kiln load of pots is glazed and fired I’ll post photos of all the plates and pots. I am quite excited to show you how interesting and varied last Friday’s crop will be.
Gillian, Eric always forwards me these Raider posts, and I’m always struck by your generosity and joie de vivre!
Thank you for your compliment Jane. I’m glad you enjoy my posts.