The most recent group of Raiders have had to wait quite a while to see the results of their painting day. But, after spending time with two groups of family visitors and a couple of weeks fabricating stoneware pieces, I now have all ten of the latest plates all packed up.
I think I’ll post some photos of the fun things our visitors got up to in my next blog but for now I’ll record the plates. Right after our guests left I glazed the plates and had them firing while I threw stoneware. Now I have just about the number of pots needed for my share, with four others, of space in Jackie Frioud’s salty kiln in Lund. The workshop takes place in the first week of July but Jackie has invited us to bring our bone dry work to her studio in Vancouver’s Mergatroid Building tomorrow so that we can use her slips. She will then bisque them for us.. but I must drive carefully in the morning!
Renée will meet me just nearby to collect the plates. So Raiders, your work will be taken to the Western Front.
The group of six were Eric, Renée, Monique, Allyson, Kate Metten and first-time Raider Anne Ramsden and they worked slowly and meticulously and didn’t use up all the available plates! Renée chose just one big platter to transfer a colourful collage.

Eric also spent the day on one fine plate.

Monique painted a large platter all in black and then added transparent shapes to float over the darkness. Her smaller oval platter has overlapping pink shapes with a dark shape emerging from one side.

Kate works so hard! Her large round plate features a bold arrangement of parallel rectangles. I’ll choose her small plate to be the featured image tonight. It’s really striking.

Allyson worked on a largish round plate, first applying orange, followed by chosen words and then a layer of blue/grey around them. I am interested in her practice of using the shapes of letters in words without expecting her viewers to find meaning in them or even read them. She says she collects words as images. Her smaller plate follows the same idea.

Anne enjoyed herself, applying squares which echo the shape of her chosen dish and then painting dots on a boldly blue plate.

Looking forward to the Raiders’ show on Bowen Island in August.