Opening my studio to the public one day a year is a marvellous incentive to get the space clean and tidy. Tomorrow is the day of the Port Moody ArtWalk. Like last year it coincides with Summer Equinox. I have publicized the event on facebook and instagram and have sent invitations out to a list of friends. So if you’ve heard about this many times.. sorry. But it is a happy way of keeping in touch with faraway folk and I have enjoyed responses from England and elsewhere.
This is what I wrote:
It’s time to invite you to visit my pottery studio as part of your SHUFFLE around old Port Moody. Our local ArtWalk takes place on Summer Solstice evening from 4 – 9pm. My studio is the first on the map, a little West (and a hike over St George street hill or St Andrews lane!) of the Arts Centre. Pick up a brochure with the map from my studio, the Arts Centre or download one. I’d love to see you! Gillian
The Shuffle is a back for a second year. It’s a one-night, self-directed event on Friday June 21, 2019 from 4:00-9:00 pm in the areas around the Port Moody Arts Centre, Gallery Row, the Historical District, and the Esplanade Studios area.
Experience the creative process in action at galleries, private studios of local artists and local businesses — open to the public for the Art Walk. Artists will also be presenting their work on the lawn beside Kyle Centre. There will be live painting, performances, and refreshments, all within walking distance of Gallery Row. Mark your calendars, this is a great opportunity to be inspired by creative talent and support the artistic community of Port Moody!
Stay tuned for posts @PortMoodyArtWalkabout performances, artist demonstrations and special activities.
Follow The Shuffle onFacebookfor updates
Download The Shuffle Map here.
My most recent firing contained ten plates by the Raiders and my latest jugbirds. Unlike last year when I was only able to show folks jugbirds which were already destined for the Airport, this year I have thirteen new avian friends to show you. If you’ve ever wanted one of my silly fellows for your syrup, cream or gravy or as a gift, now’s your chance to choose one. Next week I’ll take any left over in to Circle Craft or over to Eclectic Gallery in Victoria.

After our wonderful busy time with visiting family I turned my attention to getting some stoneware pieces thrown and assembled ready for the salt firing workshop in Lund. A week ago I took my sixteen pots in to Jackie Frioud’s studio in the Mergatroid building in East Vancouver. She had invited us, the five participants in her salt-firing workshop, to bring our bone-dry ware to her studio to be sprayed with her flashing slips. She has a proper spray booth and an interesting selection of slips – blue, red, orange and yellow. Bless her, she took care of all the spraying for me.. I’d neglected to bring along my mask! so it was good to see how much slip she sprays and for how long. I am so looking forward to seeing how they all react to the flames and salt when we open her kiln on July 9th.
One day soon I’ll pick up my work and get the liner glazes applied here and will then take the pots up the Sunshine Coast and on to Lund, via two ferries, in early July.
Meanwhile, I shall enjoy welcoming any folks who care to Shuffle around Old Port Moody tomorrow evening. It’s the longest day of the year so you might like to take a short wander around our garden too.