It’s almost the end of June and a month since we had family visitors here in the Lower Mainland. It was a busy time and I was happy to postpone some of my everyday activities like making plates, firing the kiln and gardening in favour of spending time with folks who made the effort to travel from afar to see us. So, unlike my usual habit of showing photos of and writing about things ceramic I have selected photos of our visitors (with their permission), just so that you, my ‘followers’ can know that Alan and I do more than work in his study/my studio. It’s also a way of letting other potential family visitors and friends know what a great outdoor holiday you can have here.

First our Hamburg-dwelling nephew Robert, his wife Frieda and their almost one-year-old daughter had taken advantage of paternity leave to rent an RV in Seattle, camp all around the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State, explore some of Vancouver Island and then ferry over to here. They parked said RV in the drive-way of our offspring in Pitt Meadows and enjoyed getting to know their cousins Steve and Jen and the three little boys. On one day they took skytrain into Vancouver, rented bikes and rode all around Vancouver with babe along too. Another day saw the two families enjoying Rocky Point Park and the micro-breweries (I said they are from Germany, right?) before a farewell visit to the old uncle and aunt nearby. In these two photos you’ll see Robert and his family and our two sons.
Just a few days later niece Tasha and her husband Gerald and their daughter Gabriella flew in from Austin, Texas for four days. Their days were packed with exploring and spending time with their cousins. It was wonderful! Mostly I’ll let the photos tell the story, but the weather cooperated and they took the chance to enjoy the gentler weather than they have back at home.
We took the trio down to Rocky Point for ice cream, a stroll on the pier and a sample at Moody Ales before a barbecue in our backyard.
Next day we encouraged them to take our car up to Grouse Mountain. Gerald’s research on google had suggested the Grouse Grind.. and they did it! We thought it would be a great chance to see the view of Vancouver, but that day was misty so they saw the rescued grizzly bear instead. They found Chinese food for lunch on Robson street.
That afternoon we were all invited to join the Pitt Meadows family for a swim in their pool and a barbecue. My birthday was coming up so we enjoyed the first of my cakes!

A trip in to Vancouver itself was arranged for the next day, Al’s and my 49th Wedding Anniversary. We chose to visit Queen Elizabeth Park and the Conservatory there. The tropical birds are fun, and the rhodos and dogwoods were at their best.

Then Granville Island beckoned.

We walked around the island, I spotted that extraordinary Vancouver building, I showed them Circle Craft and my pots there and we wound up having a fine dinner at the Sandbar. Our other son Mike joined us. The evening ended with a walk on Kits Beach. What a beautiful city this is.

For their last day we arranged to meet the Pitt Meadows family again, this time in Belcarra Park, 15 mins from here. There are wild trails to explore, a rocky beach where turning over rocks reveals crabs and starfish, a pier to watch crabs being trapped and lots of shady tables for a picnic lunch. Some of the group even jumped into Indian Arm!

On June 1st, which just happened to be my birthday, we had to take Tasha, Gerald and Gabi to the airport and say good-bye. But there was one more treat for me. Son Mike and his friend Robin met us for a late lunch after Robin had finished playing trombone in the Impressions jazz band on Burnaby’s Hat day on Hastings street. We found Brown’s Social House on Lougheed Hwy was a perfect spot on a hot day.. and I was surprised with another treat to share.
In my next blogs I’ll get back to recording all sorts of upcoming or past clay events but I did want to share some of that busy and happy time with you.