Our last full day in Lund had nothing scheduled so we took advantage of the sunshine. The active folk took the water taxi over to Savary Island for a long walk, Elizabeth continued her search for driftwood and I had a serious plan to find a beach to read my Kate Morton novel. Jackie put a handle on her teapot and recycled most of her demo pieces before she left for a meeting in Refuge Cove for the day.

After some clearing up, and a peek into the kiln with a flashlight I opted to have lunch at the Boardwalk cafe in Lund. I chose a children’s portion of sturgeon and chips. It was my first taste of same and it was delicious. All locally caught I’m told.

I drove south to the village of Sliammon for the nearest gas station so that I had a full tank for tomorrow’s drive home. Just south of there I found Gibson’s Beach and I settled there, on a log, to admire the ocean and read. Later I stopped on Klahanie Drive to see Sliammon Welcome Figures and other poles beside the smart new Government building.

We cleaned out the kitchen for supper, with a Carol-made frittata to use up lots of eggs and Elizabeth brought ice cream to go with fruit various.
I drove in to Lund to collect Jackie and her daughter, brought back by boat from Redondo Island by her son and his friend.

The three tired ocean travellers suggested a swim to end the day. I drove them to Divers’ Rock and we scrambled down the slope in the fading light. What a spectacular sunset for our last evening in Lund! I took this photo while the others swam. It’s now my screen-saver.

We unblocked the outer kiln door before bed.