The products of our birthday Raid on August 22nd have survived the glaze firing successfully and I have more beautiful, varied and interesting plates to show you. To comply with the WordPress suggestion of reducing the size or number of images per blog I shall show the work of two of my visiting artists first and then post a second blog to show the work of the other three.
Kate Metten painted three plates that day. No-one else applies images in quite the way she does. A clear understanding of the properties of underglazes means that her lines are sharp and opaque and bold. ‘Painstaking’ describes her process. A largish round plate painted half in black and half in white, with matching rectangles of red and chartreuse is echoed in one of her favourite little triangular dishes. Her oval lunch plate is part of a series, some of which we saw in the Bowen Island show. I see a folded ribbon.
Michelle’s work this day was loosely painted in pastel colours. The three go together nicely.. a tartan square plate, softly swirling squared dish and a spotted pink squarish plate.
My next blog.. which may not appear until tomorrow.. features the work of Eric, Marlene and Pierre.