My website has been totally refreshed. Avrom Digance of Web242 https://web242.com designed my first site many years ago and, although we still like the style, he showed me that it was in a narrow, old-style format. Links to the portfolio weren’t working any more and I wasn’t able to read my blogs from years ago.
So now Avrom and his team have moved the whole site over to WordPress (which has been my blog app) and I’m told I’ll be able to make additions or changes more easily myself. You’ll notice right away when you click on my website link https://www.gillianmcmillan.com that the page takes up the whole width of your screen. Avrom has tidied up pages and has combined ‘process’, ‘bio’ and ‘C Vitae’ into one link in the top bar. I’ve opted to keep all the C Vitae information simply so that this old lady has a handy memory aid when I might need it.
The Portfolio area has six pages of pots I’ve made, and on the last one you’ll see that I’ve added some more recent pots from the last two Covid years. I don’t sell via my website but you can contact me by email if you have an idea that you’d like me to work on.
The exciting thing for me is finding that I can now search for and read all the blogs I’ve written since my magic month at Medalta in June of 2010. It is so interesting for me to read a journal of pottery-related events from the last almost-twelve years. Perhaps you will enjoy that too. Just write in the name of a show, potter or date in the ‘search’ spot on the blog page to find what I might have written and photographed. And do register with your email if you’d like to join the loyal folks who are notified whenever I write a new blog, usually 2 to 5 per month.
Thank you Avrom Digance and your team at Web242 for professional and artistic care of me and my website. Avrom tells me that they really enjoy working on artist websites so do contact him if you need help with yours.
Now that my website is updated I hope to fill my first kiln load for 2022 and have some new work to photograph and show you. During these dreary January days the wheel and my slips have kept me contentedly occupied. With an audio book I can forget about everything else until husband wonders whether there will ever be another meal forthcoming! As a side note, I might mention that I am looking forward to more comfortable actual reading after I have my second cataract operation, this time on my left eye, next Monday. I’m so relieved that Ridge Meadows hospital hasn’t had to postpone eye surgeries due to Covid pressure on staff and space.
Recent work has included pots that have been requested and that I didn’t finish in 2021. For folks who are waiting there will be pasta dishes, jugbirds and Duck Jugs… you know who you are. I’ve finished throwing for now and just need to spend the next week slip-painting and drying the work. Grandsons begged me to make big things so that I can fill the kiln quickly and they can see their snowmen pots soon.

Thank you so much Gillian! It was a real pleasure to rebuild the site for you.