The three ceramic shows at PoMoArts close on September 4th. so you have a week to check them out. Mickey Vescera has been the most recent Ceramics artist-in-residence in the Arts Centre’s clay department and this is their concluding show.
Mickey graduated from Emily Carr University’s ceramics programme a year ago so this will have been a wonderful opportunity for them to research and make a body of work. They were so grateful for the advice of the ceramics technicians as they assembled these experimental pieces. Mickey is interested in the possibilities of combining other materials with clay and glazes. Here you’ll find that they have created extraordinary sculptures that are clearly wheelthrown and glazed ceramics but with metal, plastic, glue, and other materials added. Some additions have been fired in the piece and others have been attached after firing. The link above allows you to see much more information about the pieces in the show and Mickey’s intentions.

Mickey was congratulated and supported by a big group of Emily Carr students, some of whom may be interested in the Kwi Am Choi exhibition opportunity or applying to be a future year-long Ceramics artist-in-residence at PoMoArts.

Here Mickey was joined by Bonita Zarillo MLA.
You’ve made some interesting sculptures this year, Mickey, and we’ll watch to see where your research takes you in the future.
I’ll try to find time to post photos of work in the third current PoMoArts show, ‘Faces in the Garden’ by Pauline Doyle very soon.
Meanwhile I am waiting for a glaze firing to finish. It’ll be a good 24 hours before I can check how the ‘Raiders’ plates and my jugbirds turned out.