Pottery enthusiasts who came to TriCity Potters’ recent meeting at PoMoArts had a chance to check out ‘Art4Life’ in the gallery. It is a show that features a large group of artists who make work that appeals to all ages. Here is a photo of most of them, taken at the opening last week. Three TriCity Potters members have work in the show.

Vin Arora was one of our first speakers when TriCity Potters started about fifteen years ago, when we held meetings at Port Moody Arts Centre (now PoMoArts). For a while we met at Leigh Square in Port Coquitlam and then at Port Moody Senior Secondary School but we have met at PoMoArts for most of our time, and are happy that we can continue to meet here.
It was good to have Vin as our presenter again. He came prepared with photos to show us, some finished pots to hold and perhaps purchase, and clay and tools to give a demonstration. Lots of local potters have taken pottery classes with Vin at Place des Arts and he tells us that he is teaching there again this semester. But his exciting news is that he has just begun to teach Year 2 ceramics students at Emily Carr U.

We enjoyed seeing Vin’s photos of various directions his work has taken. In his space at the Kingsmill studio on Granville Island there is a selection of his Cone 6 traditional functional ware with a syrupy brown glaze. He is also interested in hand-building, and for this evening he showed us various sculpture techniques. In the limited time available he put together a wall piece which included a bird and an animated face. He emphasized that he works without a plan and enjoys finding out where the process will take him.
This is my blog about Vin’s show at Place des Arts from 2013:

Vin is a member of the well-known ‘Fired-Up’ group of potters who are based in Metchosin on Vancouver Island. Apart from teaching at community centres and at ECU he runs a successful pottery workshop ‘Mudlab’ in Vancouver, on Hastings street. Here is its link:
Vin is one very busy potter, and we’re so glad that he could come out to Port Moody to talk to TriCity Potters. It was a most interesting evening. Thank you Vin, and good luck with your future ceramic adventures.
Next TriCity Potters meeting on Wednesday October 19th will be our AGM. Two or three members to join our very informal executive would be very welcome. Details on a planned excursion to take part in the Sunshine Coast Art Tour will be sent out to TCP mailing list.
Members, don’t forget to put aside your very best work for our Feb/March 2023 show at PoMoArts CERAMICS IN FLUX. If you’d like to join a short-term committee that will coordinate arrangements for this show please let a member of TCP executive know right away. We’d like to provide details on how many pots to enter etc at October’s meeting.