At last I found time to take some photos to document my twenty or so pots that made up the two cubic feet of ware we can each bring to a soda firing. I shall be packing up some for Jonathon’s Gallery in London, Ontario, some will go in to Circle Craft shop on Granville Island and I may well keep this first carved bowl for us. It feels comfortable with the grooves underneath and a luscious Tesha glaze inside.

There were five salty mugs and this beaker with sgraffito birds.

I’m rather pleased with this lidded jar which was inspired by a similarly-shaped Richard Batterham one we own. Mine was sprayed with Lorna Meaden’s yellow flashing slip. The Bird Vase is similar to two earlier ones I’ve made.

Sometimes a piece turns out just right. I didn’t have great expectations for this wee yunomi but isn’t it delicious?! The pouring bowl has the grooves I enjoy carving.

Finally, these jolly birds have no function at all except to make you smile.
We went in to Vancouver to catch some of the East Side Culture Crawl today but I was much more restrained about taking photos. Best thing was spending time talking to SO MANY potters!

These are so successful. You do well to keep the bowl, it is lovely and the blue pouring pot has an interesting combination of blue glaze and decoration. Well done.
Beautiful work! Congratulations.
Clay body?
Kate, I used a 50/50 mix of Plainsman H550 and H570 for all these pots.