On Friday afternoon I had a chance to wander through the three galleries at PoMoArts and to take a better look at the shows. Several others were looking too, including a man who is taking classes at the Clay Warehouse in Port Coquitlam, had attended the opening the night before and was enthusiastically showing all the work to a friend. I encouraged them to join TCP at our monthly meetings in the Arts Centre, on the third Wednesday of each month.

Busy ceramics technician Ysabella Choung was rushing through the gallery after checking on ongoing childrens’ classes downstairs in the clay department. She’s very pleased with the Centre’s teachers and noted that classes are very popular with both adults and children. I included a photo of her with some of her work in the previous blog.

I haven’t managed to capture all the work in the show and I apologize to members whose work I have not shown. There are pieces for you to discover when you visit the gallery and others can be seen with their makers in the earlier account of the show.
My next blog will show my results from the Potters Guild of BC’s gas kiln. I collected my little group of traditionally-glazed pots at the kiln’s opening on Saturday.
The next ceramic item on my agenda, apart from getting started on making more pots, is to attend the opening of Fraser Valley Potters Guild’s show in Maple Ridge next Saturday. See you there!
Hi Gillian, I see a saggar fired example here. Do you know of anyone who is doing a workshop on Saggar firing?
I absolutely love the Neolithic piece.
Hi Pene, I don’t recollect seeing any pit-fired pieces in the show. Yes, we’re always on the look out for someone who can lead a primitive firing workshop. Laura Wee Lay Laq led one with Port Moody clay students many years ago.
Pene, the Neolithic piece was made by Brigitta Schneiter of Maple Ridge. She encouraged TriCity Potters to make work that was influenced by historic pieces and this was her example. Yes, it’s gorgeous isn’t it?
Thanks, Gillian. You do a great job for the ceramics community.