On our way to Abbotsford last Friday to attend the closing sale at Herman Venema’s studio (see yesterday’s blog) Carlene, Eliza and I stopped in at the ACT art gallery in Maple Ridge to see Fraser Valley Potters Guild’s latest show, TRANSFORMATION.

We were greeted by the Art Gallery curator and manager Courtney Miller, who showed us around the ceramics show and explained some of her display decisions. To give you an idea of the variety of work that was juried into this year’s show I’ll make this blog into more of a photo essay, adding information in each caption. The juror was Langara college instructor Gloria Han and I think I found all her honourable mentions and award winners. There are Student and Open categories for entrants.

This is one of a number of works that address the deteriorating state of our world. Sculptures and vessels here, by Ofra, Kay and Amy address climate change, pollution and gross consumerism. Ceramic shows aren’t all about vessels, mugs, bowls and vases.

There were so many inventive, beautiful and skilfully-made works in this show that I had a hard time deciding which ones to feature. Forgive me if yours isn’t shown. This exhibition will be up until April 29th 2023.
Thanks for your extensive coverage of this show and especially your mention of the pieces with a social message. Every little bit helps.