I booked myself a glazing spot for noon at the Potters Guild of BC gas kiln last Saturday. Four pots were already glazed in my studio so it didn’t take long to dip the last one in the guild’s Malcolm Davis shino. It seems stupid to join the firing for so few pots but I fancied a Vancouver day anyway. Next Saturday I’ll see how these ones fared in their Cone 10R firing.
Several studios in the Mergatroid Building were open that day so I took a little ‘crawl’ around and chatted with potters, embroiderer Bettina Matzkuhn, glass artist Maria Ida, and more. I still miss working in a building full of artists!
My next errand was to deliver a sgraffitoed plate to Chris Brayshaw at Pulp Fiction Books on Main street. He had chosen my wee plate some time ago but I’d retained it for the recent TriCity Potters’ show at Port Moody Arts Centre. Here was my chance to visit his gallery upstairs.

Chris joked that CSA stands for Contemporary Sophisticated Art but here is the actual definition: “CSA Space named for its founders: [C]hristopher Brayshaw, photographer-collector-curator; [S]teven Tong, curator; [A]dam Harrison, artist-curator. Open [hard to believe] since September 2005. 100% self-funded by the founders & [very occasional] art sales; we receive no public funding of any kind.”
The current show includes photos taken by Chris when he visited the closing of the Studio in what had been much-loved potter Don Hutchinson’s studio in Surrey. The ceramics are by artists who used to share the space, and include some hallowed kiln bricks.

These photos will give you an idea of the theme of the show. There are lists of the ceramics and photos for visitors. I see I didn’t catch every piece, sorry to have missed some, and I haven’t included titles. When I returned the key to Chris, back in the shop, I told him I’d missed seeing an owl by Don Hutchinson himself. Hah! Chris delightedly took me back up the stairs to make sure I found the teeny little owl which was displayed on a much-glazed kiln brick in a secret spot under the table!

I’m pleased to have found this little gallery at last, sad to know that Don’s studio is no more, grateful to Chris for organizing this display, and looking forward to seeing what will be shown next in CSA Space.

When I headed back out to find my car I realized I was outside Kate Metten’s pottery workshop. It’s a great venue, with a front door on Main street, and a back door onto Kingsway. Kate’s colourful ware fills the front area and behind that she works, and offers lessons. What fun to run into a keen past-participant in ‘Raids’ in my studio.

My final stop of this busy day was Granville Island. In Circle Craft Co-op I checked my display of pots and then chatted with the weekend’s Pop-Up Artist, Martha Casey-Knight. Her slightly outrageous ware sells under the name ‘Hell Wench’! I first noticed the birds carved onto the surface of her hand-built pots at last November’s Circle Craft Christmas Market and she is now a member of the Co-op.

My own pots, the earthenware and the soda-fired stoneware pieces were on this shelf. It’s time for me to deliver some more jugbirds to the shop. May is going to be a busy month..