A few months ago I had a phone-call from Jonathon’s Gallery, asking me if I’d like to make more of my carved, lidded egg boxes for a special show in July. “Could they be Rainbow colours, and how about Trans colours too?” I can do that, so I threw closed egg shapes, with a spare just in case, and promised to keep them secret until the show opened. Now I can show you how they worked out.

I decided that I’d get the brightest colours by using underglazes rather than my coloured slips. It turned out that I needed to paint three coats and it was fiddly, but worth it!

Those tight-fitting lids might have stuck in the glaze firing (underglazes can do that) so I put teeny wads there and it worked nicely. Below is a composite photo of all the eggs.

Finally the London Pride Festival Art Show was announced last week and promotional images began to appear on facebook and Instagram.

Gallery proceeds are going to help fund ‘Ten Oaks Project’.
My pieces were given imaginative titles and were paired for display with Jonathon and Brian’s friend, fibre artist Nancy Latchford. Thanks for a beautiful arrangement. I don’t know if any are left but if you’d like to own a coloured egg box, get in touch with Jonathon’s. https://www.jonathons.ca
The bundles of sticks could be referred to by another word. Crossword puzzlers will get it. I’m sure there was a fine party for this show’s opening last week.

Next up at Jonathon’s is this: https://www.jonathons.ca/events/axis-of-art-women-in-clay but I’ll say more about that in early August.
If you live locally to me you might like to take in the show that’s opening this Thursday. PoMoArts is celebrating its first 25 years as an Arts Centre society with a display of work by most of the people who have had the privilege of being a Ceramics Artist-in-Residence there, including yours truly. 6-8pm at PoMoArts. https://pomoarts.ca/upcoming-exhibitions