When we returned from our week-long stay in cabins at Rathtrevor Beach I had a kiln load of bisqued pots to glaze. There were some pieces made by visiting family members but mainly some plates and jugbirds that I’d made in July.
I’m working slowly on these hot, smoky days but finally I took the pots out of the kiln last week. There are fun little plates so I’ll post pics of some of them here with sizes. This time I’m adding suggested prices so if you would like to start your Christmas shopping or buy yourself a treat just send me an email.

These pots are all thrown with D’Arcy’s red earthenware clay and painted with coloured slips and finished with terra sigillata when bone dry, and clear glazed.

Jugbirds in this firing included a Goldfinch, a red-breasted Sapsucker, two Kingfishers and a fun peacock-coloured fellow.

I always enjoy throwing wee bowls and painting them with folkloric patterns. This one matches the jugbird.

This is my favourite piece from this firing. I painted this comfortable plate form with porcelain slip and carved the apple when it was firm. There’s a little red and green underglaze, terra sigillata and clear glaze.

Some of us got together this week with a plan to continue the tradition of celebrating Eric Metcalfe’s birthday. Sadly Eric, still recovering from a serious stroke, is now having to deal with Covid and hasn’t had a negative test yet. So he and Karen weren’t able to join us. We ‘Raiders’ wish you well, Eric.