As you walk to the back of Contemporary Ceramics Gallery to find the current exhibition, you pass square white-painted cubby holes. Each one shows the work of a selected member of the British Craft Potters Association. What a feast of inspiration! We’re told that there are over 150 of these accomplished member artists so there must be a system of rotating the spaces over the year. Each time you visit the gallery you’ll find different work. It’s all online too so all work is available at any time.
Here are photos of pots that took my fancy, whether because the process was fascinating, the shapes are elegant, the artist is one I’ve met or admire, or perhaps it’s an idea I might re-purpose in my own work. I’ve added the name of the artist beneath each photo. Enjoy half an hour in London with me.

The work of other clay artists was on display, but there’s a limit to how many photos I should take! The shop sells many books on all things Ceramic and copies of their publication ‘Ceramic Review’. I purchased the recent edition which features Matthew Chambers. I’m no wiser on how he puts together his multi-layered forms. He has a solo show booked for here in March/April 2024 so maybe he’ll actually let us know, instead of discussing which clay he uses! Look him up.
This isn’t really a blog, more a photo album but I do enjoy taking and sharing photos of my Ceramics explorations. If you still feel like following along I’d like to show you what we found at the Wallace Collection and a new-to-me Design Shop, ‘Mint’, when we joined the Saturday crowds of Oxford Street shoppers to take the tube. Next blog..
Meanwhile, it’s time to be in my studio again. This afternoon I joined the executive of TriCity Potters to plan upcoming events, and tomorrow I’ll join the NorthWest Ceramics Foundation supporters for a 30th Birthday party.
Such a wide and wonderful selection of colours and shapes. Thank you.