I made the recent Raiders wait to see the results of their work until I had filled my kiln. Thursday was the super kiln opening day.. it’s always exciting but a little nerve-wracking, even with an electric kiln. First I’ll post photos here of the little group of Raiders’ plates and then, in my next blog I’ll share pics of my own creations.
As mentioned before, Monique and David were here on the morning of June 27th and each painted two plates. Here are Monique’s delicate, layered images on lunch-sized coupes.

David chose a large round platter for his first piece and painted a bold selection of mid-century colours. We’ll discuss the weird surface on one part where the underglaze misbehaved. His other choice was a wee oval dish which he painted with softer colours.

Eric settled down to draw and paint when he arrived in the afternoon. It was good to see him absorbed in a familiar pastime.
Karen had brought along a couple of plates Eric had painted at home in March so they were included in this firing.

Me, I painted one of my red earthenware slab plates with slips, creating spiky shapes in layers, with some of my favourite colours.
I’ll post pics of more of my own pots in the next blog, including a rather large Eagle. I’m at my computer on a sunny Saturday because it’s way too hot to be out in the garden. The thermometer, not in the sun, reads 33C just now. We’re all anxiously listening for news on the Provincial forest fire situation.

Wow! Amazing results, thanks– it was great fun to be part of the conversation!