Read more about the article Imperfect Offerings. Richmond Art Gallery
Naoko with Wayne Ngan pots

Imperfect Offerings. Richmond Art Gallery

  I've changed my mind about Kintsugi. I have felt that if a pot was broken, cracked, chipped or flawed it should be smashed and added to the shard pile. The amateur gloppy gold-painted kintsugi-wannabe repairs that seem to be currently acceptable, just don't do it for me. But now I've seen the work of Naoko Fukumaru and understand how an expert can repair and…

Read more about the article We Do Not Work Alone. Nanaimo Art Gallery
Sam Kwan

We Do Not Work Alone. Nanaimo Art Gallery

  After a great five-night family holiday on Saltspring Island, Alan and I took the ferry on to Vancouver Island for a further four nights. Our first stop was in Nanaimo where we found its Art Gallery, met the curator and potter Jesse Birch and spent some time with the current show, We Do Not Work Alone. Of course this Ceramics show has been on my…


Ron Love: Whimsy in Wood and Paint Ron Love: Whimsy in Wood and Paint Join us  at 7:15 pm on July 22nd for a virtual artist talk with Ron Love on Facebook live. When Ron Love retired from a long and successful career as an architectural illustrator and designer, he wanted to expand beyond his usual painting practice, and explore fresh mediums to use his creative talents. He turned his artistic bent…


Nicole Ponsart : Places I’ve Never Been

Nicole Ponsart's show at PoMoArts ended in late June and I was able to pop in to see it on its last day. Nicole was a winner of the Arts Centre's Kwi Am Choi scholarship this year and she used the opportunity to show what she's been working on during the last year, as she completed her BFA at Emily Carr University. I had watched…

Read more about the article Nolan Drew: PoMoArts CAIR
Goof Trap Nolan Drew

Nolan Drew: PoMoArts CAIR

I popped down to Port Moody Arts Centre/PoMoArts on Thursday. Two shows have been installed for a while now. One is the annual 'ART 4 LIFE' show of whimsical and thought-provoking works intended for the young and young-at-heart. The other show is part of the Ceramic Artist-in-Residence deal. The invited clay artist has a studio, use of the Centre's ceramic facilities, the opportunity to teach…