Read more about the article Show Dismantling..
Ronald Boersen

Show Dismantling..

What an extraordinary few weeks we have had since I last put together a blog. In early March there were numerous clay-related events coming up, with TriCity Potters' juried show 'Earth, Form,Fire' scheduled to open on March 5th. It was organized to be one of many clay shows and workshops planned to coincide with the much-anticipated Canadian Clay Symposium at Shadbolt Centre on March 20th. As…


Earth, Form, Fire

  This title was chosen for TriCity Potters' upcoming juried show as a way to include a variety of pottery techniques. Who knew what juror, David Lloyd, would select? We were each invited to enter up to ten pieces and no fewer than two, with the understanding that each entrant would have at least one piece in the show. (This has been the system used…


Van Halm & Yasunaga

Two 'Raiders' worked on plates in their own studios recently and neither drives a car. Wanting to fill my kiln and get everybody's work finished I opted to take myself in to Vancouver and collect the plates. Of course I never want to just do one errand so this was a good day to check Renée Van Halm's almost-over show at Equinox Gallery  and to…

Read more about the article Vancouver Day
Susan Delatour Crossing 2019 Sawdust-fired sculpture mix, low fire slips, glaze

Vancouver Day

I killed several birds with one stone on Thursday. What a dreadful expression for getting several errands done in one trip! Two potter friends, Barbara Tipton and Faye Oakes joined me for a chance to see the show 'Malleable: Changing Notions of Women' at the Italian Cultural Centre. I missed the opening and now have only just managed to catch the show. But several women potter…