Figurative Body, Literal Mind

                  One of two Kwi Am Choi Scholarship recipients, Amiee Risby has completed her third year towards a BFA at Kwantlen University, Surrey. Her instructor there, Ying Yueh Chuang, sent invitations to the clay community to support Amiee at her first solo show.   Amiee has fabricated life-size, hollow body parts from clay and has added disconcerting,…

Read more about the article En Route to Lund
Bill Wilkinson

En Route to Lund

When long-time potter friend June MacDonald heard that I needed to be in Lund by noon on Friday July 5th she suggested I head out on the Thursday and spend the night at their rural home in Madeira Park. So that was my destination on the first day of my big salt-firing adventure! I left Port Moody early and was able to get on the…

Read more about the article THROW, SLIP, SPIN: studio ceramics from the AGGV collection
Walter Dexter

THROW, SLIP, SPIN: studio ceramics from the AGGV collection

When I left for Lund, BC, a week ago I had a large group of photos on my desktop awaiting their insertion in a blog about my visit to the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. So, although I'd rather be telling all about the fabulous salt-firing workshop with Jackie Frioud at Tidal Arts Centre, I would like to keep things chronological. I was impressed to…


Galleries on Oak Bay Avenue

Alan needed to consult and socialize with archaeology colleagues in Victoria last week so we opted to take the ferry over there for two nights and stay with friends Denis and Kim. While Al was at the University of Victoria, recently-retired Kim offered to be my chauffeur for the morning. We drove first to Oak Bay Avenue so that I could deliver a new selection…


Clay Compulsion

"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." William Morris 1834-1896 Keith and Celia Rice-Jones are fervent believers in this statement by William Morris. At an Artist Talk on Thursday June 13th Keith showed us photos depicting their journeys in clay and specifically their home and studio. Every part of their garden and house has…