Read more about the article From Where We Stand, & Pescaderia
Opah fish

From Where We Stand, & Pescaderia

            Last Fall thirteen Vancouver area women spent some weeks in Sicily working together in an Art Residency, Graniti Murales. They designed and painted murals on the ancient crumbling walls of the small Medieval town of Graniti. The locals are delighted, and the women vowed to keep in touch with each other and promote each others' work in the future.…

Read more about the article Etre Fleur Bleue
Blue & White Inkwell, Stand & Flower Brick 1

Etre Fleur Bleue

Être Fleur Bleue Malory Tate (Ceramic Artist in Residence 2017/2018) Être Fleur Bleue is a collection of sentimental and romantic ceramic vessels embodying the French expression of “the little blue flower.” These vessels inspire the actions of arranging, gathering, and collecting. I've been looking forward to Malory Tate's year-end show ever since last September when she started her year-long residency in Port Moody Arts Centre.…


Clay Explorations 2018 FVPG

The Fraser Valley Potters' Guild has a juried show for its members every year and they make a point of taking the show to galleries all over the Fraser Valley and Greater Vancouver. This year, for the first time, this large group of potters has chosen Port Moody Arts Centre and 'Clay Explorations' opened there last night. As a very long-time but now lapsed member of…

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Read more about the article In the Blink of an Eye
Gillian McMillan. Rooster Jugbird

In the Blink of an Eye

Twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye. Artists who have worked or taught at or have shown in the galleries of Port Moody Arts Centre were invited to submit work for a commemorative show recently. Today I finally found time to pop in to have a better look at the work displayed - the openings are often more about catching up with…