Read more about the article True Nordic: How Scandinavia Influenced Design in Canada
Vase 1962 Deichmanns stoneware with cobalt underglaze

True Nordic: How Scandinavia Influenced Design in Canada

On Saturday, while my recent glaze firing was cooling, Al and I sky-trained in to Vancouver for a gallery day. Our primary destination was Coastal Peoples Gallery in Gastown but I hadn't seen the current shows at Vancouver Art Gallery so we spent some time there first. Our son Mike joined us as he's particularly interested in Mid-Century Modern Design. True Nordic is on the…

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November Weekend

This was a packed weekend! Another group of Raiders had asked if they could come out on a Saturday so we booked this one, but I didn't realize that the East Side Culture Crawl was also on. Alan and I like to go, and I'd missed at least the last two so we decided to see some of it on Friday evening and Al would…


Tate Modern & Mudlarking

  To complete my previous blog, I'd like to add pots by clay artists who are permanent members of Contemporary Applied Arts. This gallery shows the best of British Fine Crafts. This was my final day in England and I was determined to make the most of it, in spite of having picked up one of those beastly colds that one does on a trip…

Read more about the article Contemporary Applied Arts
Takeshi Yasuda Japan

Contemporary Applied Arts

On my last full day in England I took myself off to London's South Bank to visit Tate Modern, but first I wanted to find Contemporary Applied Arts again. It took me about fifteen dawdling minutes from Waterloo to find the gallery on Southwark street and it's only about a block south of Tate Modern and the Thames. This is the link to the CAA…