Messums Wiltshire Sculpture and pots

Outside the vast barn that is Messums Wiltshire there are sculptures displayed, waiting for collectors. Our first encounter was with ceramic artist, sculptor and painter Sandy Brown's 'Temple'. Commissioned by Chatsworth House two years ago it now enjoys a prominent home by this gallery's entrance. The tile-covered house has one door and coloured glass circular windows in the domed ceiling. Flamboyantly painted, the space is…


Judy Pfaff at Messums

Earlier this year my sister Mary sent me information on a major ceramics show that she'd just seen. Material: Earth  A Survey of Ceramics was presented at a newly opened Art Centre in Tisbury, Wiltshire, just down the road from her home in Salisbury. The catalogue listing of a fine collection of mainly 21st Century English ceramics was fascinating, but of equal interest is the…


Jack Doherty

After finding 'Beside the Wave' gallery at Primrose Hill I took the tube south from Chalk Farm to Tottenham Court Road. As every potter visiting Britain knows, that's the stop for the Contemporary Ceramics Centre at 63 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 3BF, across from the British Museum. Thinking of taking a selfie to prove I was there, a Vancouver artist friend of Jackie Frioud (Salt glaze…


Beside the Wave: London

After my two days in St. Neots and then two all-too-brief nights in Berlin (again, catching up with six family members) I wound up at (nephew) Mike, Mel, Molly and Sam's house in Sheen in SW London. I had scheduled a Gillian day and managed to tick off some super destinations. First an above-ground train to Waterloo, and then the Northern Line tube got me…