Read more about the article Bird Vessels, a Conure and Culture Days
Two Towhees in Trees Pedestal Vessel 10 ¼” tall x 9 ½” wide x 7”

Bird Vessels, a Conure and Culture Days

  Now that the latest firing is done I needed to get some of the work packed up. The three vessels intended for Victoria's Alcheringa Gallery were carefully wrapped in paper and bubble wrap and secured in a box with a handle. Wednesday morning saw me braving the 2nd Narrows bridge to meet up with Robert, who has taken said box on to the sea-bus,…

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Read more about the article Gargoyles and Improvisations
Pacific Northwest

Gargoyles and Improvisations

  For many years senior artist Eric Metcalfe has been spending each day drawing and meticulously painting with gouache, adding to an ever-growing series of works. Now West Vancouver Museum's curator Darrin Morrison has chosen just some of these wildly colourful graphic paintings for a show which also features reference to Eric's earlier performance and collaborative work as Dr Brute. This link will take you…

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The Shape of Things: Renée Van Halm

Last night Al and I braved horrid rain to drive over to West Vancouver. We grabbed an early supper at Park Royal South's Trattoria Restaurant before heading on to the West Vancouver Museum. Renée Van Halm's solo show 'The Shape of Things' was opening. The walls of the two galleries were filled with her large impressive paintings and some smaller works and aha! there were…

Read more about the article More BC Pottery
Maeva Collins

More BC Pottery

After we'd had a good look at this month's show, From Ashes to Art, at the Gallery of BC Ceramics, we took a good look around the rest of the gallery and Melissa pointed out some of the new artists who've been juried in. Sorry, I didn't get them all recorded but here are some that caught my attention. Amelia Butcher has an intriguing collection of…