Read more about the article Wild Things
Jill Fanshawe Kato vases

Wild Things

Saturday October 14th was spent in Central London. I'd had an idea of contacting Lisa Hammond and trundling out to Greenwich to meet her, but decided instead to go to the Gallery of Contemporary Ceramics on Great Russel Street (as I always do when in London). I was sure to see the very best of many different kinds of ceramic work, including some of Lisa's.…

Read more about the article Cambridge again
and here is Jeremy on the gallery's main floor, with Tony Laverick pots he's just brought in.

Cambridge again

Cars are not allowed to park on King's Parade in Cambridge after 9.30am so Primavera Gallery owner Jeremy Waller asks his artists to deliver their work before then. From London, that's difficult, but Jeremy kindly invited me to stay overnight with him and his wife Sheila at College Farm, near Ely. Knowing that their surrounding fields have become a sculpture garden and that they have…

Read more about the article Sur La Table
Celia Rice-Jones & Linda Doherty

Sur La Table

There were many ceramics shows organized around the Lower Mainland to coincide with 'STOKED', the Canadian Ceramics Symposium. A one-day pop-up, 'Sur La Table' was hosted by the Potters Guild of BC on March 25th, the actual day of the symposium at Shadbolt Centre. Members were invited to bring along plates and of course I took photos of many. It's time to let you see…

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Read more about the article Axis of Art – Women in Clay
Gillian McMillan - #1-130 Tall Eagle Jug Bird 12 .5x17.5" $300 #2-129 Tall Jug Bird 11.5x9.5 SOLD Thrown in parts then assembled Soda Fired, plus a Bird Vase & an Egg

Axis of Art – Women in Clay

Some months ago Jonathon invited me to make a couple of special, big jugbirds for a show in the Summer. Only fellow participants in a January soda firing saw what I made but now that the show has opened I can post photos of them. Axis of Art - Women In Clay This is the first installment of a new series of exhibitions celebrating excellence…