Read more about the article Clay’m to Fame
Jeff Wilson, over the stairs

Clay’m to Fame

This has been rather a special week for me, with events almost every day, and hardly any work in my studio! Briefly, we entertained my Berlin nephew Christopher and his wife and two children for a Port Moody day on Monday. They're spending a packed three weeks driving all around BC. I have no idea if they'll ever see the experimental pottery creations they made…

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Rainbow Eggs

A few months ago I had a phone-call from Jonathon's Gallery, asking me if I'd like to make more of my carved, lidded egg boxes for a special show in July. "Could they be Rainbow colours, and how about Trans colours too?" I can do that, so I threw closed egg shapes, with a spare just in case, and promised to keep them secret until…

Read more about the article Painted Plates, ‘Snow’ clay & the SHUFFLE
Sgraffito plate

Painted Plates, ‘Snow’ clay & the SHUFFLE

Once the early June celebratory time was over I got around to painting ten Egg boxes with underglazes so that I could get the most recent plates fired as well. 'Snow' white earthenware clay from Plainsman Clays has been recommended as a replacement for the Georgie's Wonder White that I have been using for some years now. I need a white clay for my visiting…

Read more about the article CSA Space
CSA gallery

CSA Space

I booked myself a glazing spot for noon at the Potters Guild of BC gas kiln last Saturday. Four pots were already glazed in my studio so it didn't take long to dip the last one in the guild's Malcolm Davis shino. It seems stupid to join the firing for so few pots but I fancied a Vancouver day anyway. Next Saturday I'll see how…

Read more about the article Canadian Clay Symposium 2023: Road Show
l to r. Debra Sloan, Wayne Ngan, Carole Epp, ?

Canadian Clay Symposium 2023: Road Show

The Road Show is a much-anticipated part of every Canadian Clay Symposium. People who are registered to attend are invited to bring along something Ceramic to be displayed for the day. It can be something they've bought, inherited, or made themselves. We never know what we'll see but the work always leads to interesting discussions. During the lunch hour, between presentations, our own Ceramics curator…

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