Read more about the article STOKED! Canadian Clay Symposium: Presenters
images from KC Adams' talk

STOKED! Canadian Clay Symposium: Presenters

What a day! On Saturday March 25th 2023 hundreds of clay enthusiasts met at Shadbolt Centre, in Burnaby, to watch presenters, see displays, meet vendors and reconnect with friends and colleagues after so long. (CCS takes place every three years and it was obviously cancelled in 2020). It has taken me a week to think about the remarkable occasion and to sort out which of…


Past, Present & Future: KPU & FVPG

New glass display shelves have been installed outside the Spruce Art Gallery at Kwantlen Polytechnic University, just near the Ceramics department. KPU Ceramics instructor Ying Yueh Chuang has been looking forward to their arrival for a while. For the first display she and Fraser Valley Potters Guild past president Pat Schendel decided to invite past and present alumni of the Ceramics department to bring along…



On our way to Abbotsford last Friday to attend the closing sale at Herman Venema's studio (see yesterday's blog) Carlene, Eliza and I stopped in at the ACT art gallery in Maple Ridge to see Fraser Valley Potters Guild's latest show, TRANSFORMATION. We were greeted by the Art Gallery curator and manager Courtney Miller, who showed us around the ceramics show and explained some of…

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Read more about the article More TriCity Potters’ CERAMICS IN FLUX
Neolithic Inspired Vessel Brigitta Schneiter

More TriCity Potters’ CERAMICS IN FLUX

On Friday afternoon I had a chance to wander through the three galleries at PoMoArts and to take a better look at the shows. Several others were looking too, including a man who is taking classes at the Clay Warehouse in Port Coquitlam, had attended the opening the night before and was enthusiastically showing all the work to a friend. I encouraged them to join…

Read more about the article CERAMICS IN FLUX
Janice Cotter & Kay Bonathon


On Thursday evening three shows opened at PoMoArts, including TriCity Potters' first group show since our last one was closed down in March of 2020. Today's blog shows some of the artists in our current show 'CERAMICS IN FLUX', and a little on the two other shows. TCP board member Kay Bonathon thanked gallery manager Janice Cotter for her splendid work organising and displaying all…

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