Read more about the article Han-soom:  Grace Han & Gloria Jue-Youn Han
Gloria, Grace & curator Katherine Dennis

Han-soom: Grace Han & Gloria Jue-Youn Han

The current exhibition at the Evergreen Art Gallery in Coquitlam features two ceramic artists. Gloria Jue-Youn Han and Grace Han (not related) have both worked as ceramic technicians at PoMoArts, and Gloria Han was also an artist-in-residence in the clay department after she graduated from Emily Carr U. She then attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago for her MFA. After returning home…

Read more about the article Potters in Circle Craft Christmas Market
Laura's pots

Potters in Circle Craft Christmas Market

What a treat to take Skytrain from Port Moody in to Vancouver's huge waterfront Conference Centre on Saturday to visit this year's Circle Craft Christmas Show. With a wee bus ride to the station I was there in under an hour. I shared some photos of downtown Vancouver in chilly sunshine, but I've been asked to show pics of potters working in the show too.…

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Read more about the article S C ART CRAWL: Creek Clayworks & Robert Studer
discussing salt firings

S C ART CRAWL: Creek Clayworks & Robert Studer

Our second day on the Sunshine Coast Art Crawl started with a pre-arranged visit to Creek Clayworks. On this day we were four. Linda, Owen and I picked up fellow TriCity Potters member Sue Griese from her home in Upper Gibsons and we headed to Roberts Creek. The home, studio, showroom and salt kiln of Elaine Futterman and Mike Allegretti are on beautiful rural acres,…

Read more about the article Sunshine Coast ART CRAWL: Pat Forst +
Pat Forst with one of her birds

Sunshine Coast ART CRAWL: Pat Forst +

The next stop on our tour was Forst Pottery Studio in Gibsons. Pat Forst specializes in reduction-fired cone 10 sculptural work. We saw several of her wall-pieces and noticed that she sprays darker oxide stains from one direction to accentuate the forms. Pat Forst with one of her birds Pat kindly took us outside to see her gas kiln, and I recognized a Bob…

Read more about the article ‘Of the Earth’    Fraser Valley Potters Guild  2
Giovanna Cameron

‘Of the Earth’ Fraser Valley Potters Guild 2

Here are some more photos of work by members of Fraser Valley Potters Guild. Their juried show opened at Coquitlam's Place des Arts last Friday. To see more about the opening please click on the previous blog. I took too many photos for one blog! Cheryl Stapleton & Amy Gogarty Ailsa Brown & Suzanne Basnett Kay Bonathon Heather Northam + more I'm sorry I didn't…