‘Of the Earth’ Fraser Valley Potter’s Guild 1

Fraser Valley Potters' latest show opened at Coquitlam's Place des Arts on Friday night. The juror for this show, ECUAD ceramics professor Jen Woodin, gave the members a critique of their submissions at an August meeting and she attended the opening to present prizes and certificates to her selection of prize-winners and 'honorable mentions'. Visitors to the evening's events were first welcomed by Place des…

Read more about the article Faces and the Garden: Pauline Doyle
True Hope is Swift

Faces and the Garden: Pauline Doyle

Pauline Doyle was one of the first to take pottery classes and join drop-in sessions in the clay department of the newly opened Port Moody Arts Centre, now PoMoArts. Before long she became a popular teacher of the children's clay classes and for three years she was the artist-in-residence. Her main interest now is to make whimsical animal sculptures in her Spring street, Port Moody…

Read more about the article Concrete Marrow: Mickey Vescera

Concrete Marrow: Mickey Vescera

The three ceramic shows at PoMoArts close on September 4th. so you have a week to check them out. Mickey Vescera has been the most recent Ceramics artist-in-residence in the Arts Centre's clay department and this is their concluding show. https://pomoarts.ca/exhibitions/concrete-marrow Mickey graduated from Emily Carr University's ceramics programme a year ago so this will have been a wonderful opportunity for them to research and…


Loops and Transitions: Ilze Bebris & Tam Irving

I was unable to attend the most recent opening at Visual Space Gallery on Dunbar street in Vancouver. But long-time friend and clay enthusiast Jan Kidnie lives near the gallery and made time to pop in to see the show. She sent me these photos and has given me permission to share them here. The link to the gallery has photos of the show and…

Read more about the article “When I have Wings to Fly”:  Suzy Birstein
Suzy & her sculptures

“When I have Wings to Fly”: Suzy Birstein

On July 28th PoMoArts held a reception for the opening of three shows. As it turns out all three feature work that is mainly ceramic. Suzy Birstein's 'When I have Wings to Fly' takes up the main gallery. As well as paintings and sculptures which all feature inspirational women, the exhibit has an extensive online component. This link gives you a far better and more…