Read more about the article Willock & Sax Gallery, Banff
Willock & Sax Gallery

Willock & Sax Gallery, Banff

John Chalke I found Willock & Sax on our first evening in Banff, but I didn't manage to visit the gallery until after we'd checked out of the Bow View Inn on our last morning. The owner Susan Sax-Willock very kindly allowed me to take photos of pots all around the gallery and it is clear that specifically Western Canadian pots are featured. What a…


Current PoMoArts shows

There was a real in-person opening for the current three shows at PoMoArts on Thursday May12th. It was such a treat to experience meeting the artists, see their work and re-connect with art-lovers here. This will just be a brief overview of the shows, with the suggestion that there is still time to check them out until June 9th. 'Paperscapes' artists: Olga Campbell, Ellen Pelto,…

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TriCity Potters: Gerda Krause

Last Friday members of TriCity Potters gathered for our monthly meeting in the Appleyard Room at PoMoArts (Port Moody Arts Centre). It was chaired this month by executive member Owen Lee. We  briefly discussed future activities and speakers, and invited members to think about a title or theme for our scheduled members' show in PoMoArts Gallery next February. Our presenter for this evening was executive…

Read more about the article A Celebration of Sculpture
Bill Thomson Rust Plant #1 Recycled tin cans, corks, fibre & wood

A Celebration of Sculpture

At the invitation of Burnaby sculptor Bill Thomson I stopped in at the Italian Cultural Centre last week, on my way to ‘That Pottery Thing’. The current gallery show there is juried work by the Sculptors Society of BC, timed to celebrate 150 years since the birth of BC sculptor Charles Marega. He is best known for having created the Lions at the entrance to…

Read more about the article New Direction in Ceramics. Tam Irving
Rectangle Study

New Direction in Ceramics. Tam Irving

  Tam Irving's latest solo show opened at VisualSpace Gallery in Vancouver last Saturday. The only Art Show opening I attended last year was Tam's show in the same venue so I was interested to see what he has been working on since then. It turns out that Tam has abandoned, probably permanently, wheel-throwing in favour of hand-built slab work for 2D images. There are…