Read more about the article Clay’m to Fame
Jeff Wilson, over the stairs

Clay’m to Fame

This has been rather a special week for me, with events almost every day, and hardly any work in my studio! Briefly, we entertained my Berlin nephew Christopher and his wife and two children for a Port Moody day on Monday. They're spending a packed three weeks driving all around BC. I have no idea if they'll ever see the experimental pottery creations they made…

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Read more about the article Octogenarian!
my birthday gang


In Korea you are one from the day you are born, so when local Korean Master Potter Clay Kim celebrated his 80th birthday recently he was actually a year younger than I am. His artist son couldn't come to Canada for the party but offered to make gifts for his father to distribute on the occasion. Lucky me, Mr and Mrs Kim, with their student…

Read more about the article Birds and Carving
sgraffito dish 7 3/4" x 1 1/4"

Birds and Carving

A dozen jugbirds were ready for their glaze firing recently and work made by family members justified getting that done. Guests from Washington State were able to pick up their chosen Puffin jugbird on their way through here, en route to Calgary. I mailed a crested Kingfisher to another Washington State friend, just in time for his wife on Mothers' Day. I plan to save…

Read more about the article Solstice Sign-off
Renee van Halm

Solstice Sign-off

December has brought us record-breaking cold and snow. Today I've been thoroughly enjoying watching the many local birds who are grateful for seeds, nectar and suet. The sun popped over the Chines to our south for its shortest spell, from 11am to 1pm today. I spotted a Hairy Woodpecker clinging to an icicle while waiting for a turn at the seed-feeder and I grabbed my…

Read more about the article Rainforest Pottery
Rainforest Studios & Gallery

Rainforest Pottery

McMillans outside Black Goose pub, over Rathtrevor Beach. Alan and I spent the first ten days of August on Vancouver Island. For five days eight of us stayed in two cabins at Beach Acres Resort. With a playground, a pool, the pub and best of all, the enormous sandy beach below the cliff, it was a marvellous family holiday.  Below you can see the grandsons…