Read more about the article Holiday in England: Cambridge
Jeremy Waller and me

Holiday in England: Cambridge

  This year marks fifty years since I immigrated to Canada from England. Over the years I've made many trips back, usually with Alan, but sometimes on my own. I always make a point of revisiting favourite potters and galleries near where family members live. After Al had had his eight-day trip to Osaka recently we agreed that I should take a holiday in England…


Juggling pots and family!

The last few days illustrate how my life is a blend of pottery-related activities, household stuff and days when family is top priority. Last Thursday I finished applying terra sigillata to the undersides of all my pots, fast-dried some still slightly damp plates in my convection oven (on 'warm'), loaded the kiln for the bisque firing and turned it on. We'd set aside Friday for…


April’s Raid

After a rather long gap, due mainly to my having a lingering viral throat something-or-other, we finally had three 'Raiders' here on Thursday. It was so good to spend the day catching up with artist friends. Mina Totino had three square plates to work on, Philippe Raphanel requested some large platters and new guest, Mina's friend Michelle Normoyle chose to paint some oval plates and…

Read more about the article My April
A favourite rhodo on a recent sunny day, with our beautiful North Shore mountains, just to cheer us.

My April

Here we are almost at the end of April so it's time to do a catch-up blog. I've just been poddling along, painting the odd plate and some jugbirds and more importantly researching glaze recipes for cone 04 white clays. It's been a record-setting rainy month so we grab the chance to do some gardening or I load a kiln when the sun comes out. Happily Easter Day…

Read more about the article Snowy weeks
earthenware yunomis/handle-less cups

Snowy weeks

We have felt as if we were under siege for the last six weeks. Snow arrived in early December and it kept on coming, so that there were no spaces to park in front of our house. We struggled to keep walkways clear for mail delivery and to get to the car but I had to postpone any plate painting gatherings. Luckily the skies cleared on Christmas…

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