Read more about the article New Jugbirds for Primavera
Scarlet Macaw Jugbird

New Jugbirds for Primavera

  This afternoon I packed jugbirds into a UPS box which is 18" x 12 1/2" x 8 1/2", just a little smaller than the allowable size for 'carry-on'. It works well because if I don't try to check the pots, just carry them carefully, I can use less bubble wrap etc. They feel good and snug in the box.          …



Last Saturday my back had recovered enough for us to plan a day in Vancouver to celebrate 45 years since Alan and I were married. Al knows I've been wanting to visit the Bloedel Conservatory for a while, mainly because there are some beautiful tropical birds there, plus some exotic plants as well. We did wander through Queen Elizabeth Park and the gardens too and…

Read more about the article Friday May 15th 2015
Bennett and Lucas

Friday May 15th 2015

Sorry folks! I've neglected my blog recently. But before too much more time goes by I'd like to make note of some recent events. Friday May 15th 2015. That's a day this grandmother won't forget for a long time! Our daughter-in-law Jennifer produced twin boys, Lucas and Bennett, in Maple Ridge Hospital. They're healthy little fellows and were 7 and 6 lbs respectively. Jen, Steve and…

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Read more about the article Kiln opening
New plates

Kiln opening

On Wednesday I was able to empty a very full kiln load. My pieces were on the top shelf and all the lower shelves were filled with twenty plates painted by my recent 'raiders'. In the next day or two I'll post nice photos Al took in our light box of all the work. Yesterday I packed up all the plates and took them in…

Read more about the article Greetings from Port Moody
Cuban Poinsettia plant

Greetings from Port Moody

  It's Boxing Day, all is quiet and this is a day to relax. Our two sons, daughter-in-law, grandson and brother-in-law joined us for the traditional turkey meal on Christmas Eve. As expected all attention was on the little fellow and what he would think of lights, wrapped parcels and masses of food. It was a relief to see that he's recovering from scary pneumonia a…