Read more about the article TriCity Potters’ First Soda Firing
Shadbolt Kiln Station

TriCity Potters’ First Soda Firing

Last year the TriCity Potters decided to ask for a group soda firing at Shadbolt Centre and we were given a slot for this April. To get prepared we invited Fredi Rahn, who teaches there and who has lots of experience with soda firing, to give us a presentation in January. She discussed which clays to use and explained that the outsides of the pots…


Eric, Pierre, Renée and Gill

Eric Metcalfe has been experimenting with drawing on bisque forms. The ceramic pencils don't work on a bone dry plate, they just grind a groove instead of leaving a line so I bisqued a couple of his favourite rimmed plates. And yes, the drawing doesn't burn off and is enhanced and preserved by the coat of clear glaze.              …

Read more about the article Industrial Revolution: Amy Li Chuan Chang
Orange Duck

Industrial Revolution: Amy Li Chuan Chang

  I didn't get in to see Amy Chang's show of extraordinary ceramic objects at Port Moody Arts Centre until the very last day. So I'm sorry that I can't suggest you see them too! but I do think I should record some of her amazing pieces here.       The show's title 'Industrial Revolution' tells us that she is interested in fabricating mechanical…


Gill’s Jugbirds

  The remaining space in my kiln was filled with the jugbirds I managed to get finished in February. I've already posted a photo of a new Rooster when he was leather hard and freshly painted with underglaze and terra sigillata. Now I was looking forward to seeing how he'd look after the glaze firing. I'm pleased with his comb and wattle and glaring eyes!…