January Jugs & more

It took most of January to get my kiln filled. My second successful cataract operation was two weeks ago today and I'm delighted that my two eyes now see the same colours, distant vision is great and in a couple more weeks I'll get a prescription for near vision. Al and I popped in to Vancouver one day when the pervasive fog had lifted and…

Read more about the article gillianmcmillan.com
Colours that appear in my Instagram posts


  My website has been totally refreshed. Avrom Digance of Web242  https://web242.com  designed my first site many years ago and, although we still like the style, he showed me that it was in a narrow, old-style format. Links to the portfolio weren't working any more and I wasn't able to read my blogs from years ago. So now Avrom and his team have moved the…

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Soda & Slips

This evening's blog will be a photo gallery of my final pots of 2021. After I retrieved four pots from the Fraser Valley Potters' Guild holiday firing I fired the remaining teeny plates in my electric kiln.When Marianne came by my studio to pick up her now-four-times-fired Grooved Vase she found that I had finished some more of the jolly teeny plates she'd ordered for…

Read more about the article FVPG Festive Firing
Gill's Grooved lidded Moon Jar

FVPG Festive Firing

Fraser Valley Potters’ Guild invited its members to take part in a joint soda firing instead of having a Christmas Party, just like last year. Lots of people signed up so, as before, we were given a 12″ x 12″ x 8″ space to fill, with the request that we bring at least one piece that was 9″ tall or more.This was a chance to…