Keith Rice-Jones Working the Edge: A Ceramic Journey

This coming Saturday will be the third and final chance to meet Keith Rice-Jones as he works alongside his huge show at Coquitlam's Evergreen Cultural Centre. The show is of thirty years of Keith's working in clay so there are new large garden sculptures, wall pieces, his signature urns and various other strong, stained forms. Check this link to the Evergreen's site to read their…

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Labour Day work

Half a dozen of us wound up working hard, painting plates, platters and a vase in my studio on Labour Day. This time the 'raid' consisted of Eric Metcalfe, Katie Lyle, Jacqui Ross, Paul Mathieu and new-to-us Dave MacWilliam. Alan took lots of photos of the painters but I'll just post one of each person tonight. As usual, the visitors brought lunch - quiche, salads,…


Cathi Jefferson

We finished our brief island holiday by staying with friends in Duncan on Friday night. Cathi Jefferson had let me know that on the Saturday morning she would be at the farmer's market in downtown Duncan. So we had a brief visit there. This busy woman has recently returned from a residency in Jingdezhen and teaching a University class in Victoria. Her beautifully thrown and…


The Potters’ Place

When we got off the ferries from Hornby and Denman Islands at Buckley Bay we headed north towards Courtney and Comox. I wanted to find 'The Potters' Place' in Courtney first. It is a pottery shop in a little mall off the main street. Better signage would have been helpful! Once inside, I was impressed at the large space, where each artist has a…


The original Hornby Island potters

Of course we had to find the studios of Wayne Ngan, Heinz Laffin and Gerhard Kozel. I think we first visited Wayne and Heinz on a camping trip to Hornby Island in the early seventies. There are two potteries on Ostby Road, north of the Co-op. First, on the right, we found the studio shared by Heinz Laffin, Gerhard Kozel and Mette Wullum. Just as…